Waldensian Wines
Southern Sweet Apple Wine (750ml)
A refreshing blend of both sweet and tart apples, this wine has a crisp opening with a clean finish. Though excellent year-round, the distinct flavor is reminiscent of late summer and fall months. Serve chilled, or warm it up with your favorite spice blend for a cool weather treat.
Discover our rich history and unique flavors of traditional Waldensian style wines.
Southern Sweet Pear Wine (750ml)
Our newest offering is a delightfully sweet, crisp, and refreshing pear flavor that is a true treat. There is a reason this wine has quickly become our best seller.
Southern Sweet Blackberry Wine (750ml)
The use of blackberries to make wine can be dated as far back is the Egyptian Empire, but also has roots in the Greek and Roman Empires. There is a reason this wine has been popular for eons. Tangy and sweet, this wine is a delight in any era. Serve chilled or over ice.
Southern Sweet Peach Wine (750ml)
Summer is the best season for peaches, and this wine tastes like summertime in a glass. The sweet taste of peach nectar hits the tongue immediately, only to be gently counterbalanced by the meaty backbone reminiscent of biting into the peach flesh. Serve chilled or over ice. Or, add a splash to your favorite sparkling wine for a fun twist on a mimosa.
Southern Sweet Raspberry Wine (750ml)
Raspberries are one of the most versatile fruits and can be found in everything from jams and syrups to savory salsas and sauces. It is no surprise that it makes a refreshing and versatile wine. A perfect balance of tartness and sweetness gives this wine the diversity required to pair with a variety of foods. Serve chilled or over ice.
Brenda's Bellini (52oz Bag)
Our tried and true wine slushy, Brenda's Bellini. Conveniently in a freeze-and-squeeze bag so you can enjoy it at home.