Have you ever been curious about our iconic truck logo? Well it didn’t come from nowhere. Our friend and graphics designer Steve Ollice had his inspiration for the logo one long holiday weekend in the mountains while listening to some Allman Brothers Band. The original inspiration was the cover art from the “Eat a Peach” album. The actual truck in the logo is a ’54 Chevy Truck and yes, Eddie had one out at the winery when the logo was designed.

It all started in 2010…

Eddie and Brenda had just finished working the North Carolina Wine Festival at Tanglewood Park. It was a blistering hot day, attendees were grasping for anything cool to drink, and a few attendees even passed out from the heat. They had an idea!!! Let’s figure out a way to turn our wine into a deliciously different iced cocktail that is lower in alcohol, but more robust in flavor and base it on a southern staple, the Peach.

Borrowing from a a classic Italian cocktail, the Peach Bellini, Brenda concocted the first recipe using off the shelf ingredients and a little improvisation. Eddie bought a slushie machine thinking it would be the ideal way to serve this refreshing new wine mixer. Brenda’s Bellini was born… The very next festival, Eddie and Brenda debuted the first iteration of Brenda’s Bellini. It was a smashing success and quickly became a fan favorite.

As time went on, some of the shelf products stopped production and there was no easy way to allow people to take a bottle home with them. Eddie and Brenda’s son, Andrew took this as a sign they needed to further develop Brenda’s Bellini. So while working a fulltime job at a Raleigh area investment group, Andrew spent close to 2 years of lunch breaks sourcing direct supply chains to ingredients and working with Eddie and Brenda to hone a concentrated and shelf stable version of Brenda’s Bellini.

After years of work, countless weekends spent testing hundreds of recipes and flavor variations, the present day Brenda’s Bellini was reborn. Now we had the ability to not only ensure we could continue to provide Brenda’s Bellini to our loyal fan base, but also allow our customers to enjoy a bit of Brenda’s creativity at home, the beach, or even poolside.

With a newly designed recipe that customers can take home with them, it was time to show the true versatility of this delightful southern treat. Andrew began hosting mixer parties where he would provide all the potential ingredients that friends and neighbors may want to experiment with and they were challenged to design a full gambit of unique recipes with the Mix. You can now find many of these recipes from our recipe page to try at home.

Did you know you can also use Brenda’s Bellini to…
  • Flavor a pound cake for a truly unique desert
  • Mix with soda water as a Italian Soda
  • Sweeten up your tea for a peachy spin on a southern staple
  • Make the most incredible peach ice cream

Copyright © Dolce Vita, Inc. 2008 – 2020 | Connelly Springs, NC | 828.879.9271